Solar energy has become one of the most popular options among renewable energy sources. Especially in Turkey, SPP(Solar Power Plant) investments have become attractive for businesses and individuals who want to both save costs and produce energy in an environmentally friendly way. However, one of the most important factors in the installation of GES is the various supports and incentives provided by the state.

Government Incentives for Rooftop Solar Power Plant Installation
Rooftop solar power plant installations are a method that businesses in particular prefer to reduce their energy costs and achieve energy independence. In Turkey, the government offers various incentives for rooftop solar power plant investments of 240 kWe and above:
VAT Exemption
VAT is not paid for projects that receive investment incentive certificates.
Tax Deduction
Corporate tax reduction is an important advantage that makes investment more attractive.
Insurance Premium Support
This incentive, which also provides convenience to businesses in personnel expenses, reduces costs.
YEKDEM Support
This mechanism guarantees the sale of the produced electricity at a certain price. Thus, businesses can obtain regular income.

Incentives for Land Solar Power Plant Installation
VAT and Customs Duty Exemption
No customs duty or VAT is paid during the import of solar power plant equipment.
Depreciation Advantage
The amortization period of solar power plants projects generally varies between 3-5 years, which accelerates the return on investment.
Grant Support
Grant support can be provided at certain rates, especially for industrial enterprises.
What is YEKDEM?
It is the abbreviation of Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism. It was developed to encourage renewable energy projects in Turkey. This mechanism guarantees the purchase of electricity produced from renewable sources such as solar and wind at a certain fixed price. YEKDEM reduces the costs of investors, accelerates the payback period of projects and increases energy supply security throughout the country.
Grant and Financing Opportunities
In Turkey, development agencies and institutions such as KOSGEB also provide additional financial support for solar energy projects for some regions and sectors. These grants and financing programs reduce the capital cost of investment and allow projects to be implemented in a shorter period of time.
Application Process and Requirements
Investors who want to benefit from government incentives must obtain an investment incentive certificate. For this, it is important to prepare applications to institutions such as the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources correctly and completely. In addition, technical requirements must be met for projects to be compliant with mechanisms such as YEKDEM.
Solar power plants projects are increasingly preferred due to the environmental and economic advantages they offer. Government support and incentives make these investments even more attractive and offer significant financial advantages to businesses. By taking advantage of the current support for both rooftop and land-type solar power plants projects, you can reduce your energy costs and contribute to a sustainable future.
In light of this information, if you are considering investing in solar power plants, you can review the application processes from official sources to obtain detailed information about the support offered by the state and take the necessary steps.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the government supports for solar power plant installation?
Government supports for solar power plant installation include VAT exemptions, tax reductions, grant programs and purchase guarantees under the YEKDEM (Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism).
What is the role of YEKDEM in solar power plants projects?
YEKDEM guarantees the purchase of electricity produced from renewable energy sources at a certain fixed price. This mechanism makes investors’ projects more financially sustainable.
What are the differences between rooftop solar power plants and land solar power plants?
While rooftop solar power plants consist of solar panels installed on the roofs of buildings, land solar power plants are systems that can spread over larger areas and generally produce more energy.
What are the environmental benefits of solar power installation?
Solar power plants reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing dependency on fossil fuels. They also provide an environmentally friendly alternative as they provide sustainable energy production.
What are the advantages of investing in solar power plants?
Solar power plant investments offer many advantages such as long-term energy savings, government incentives, environmentally friendly energy production and increased energy independence.